Friday, March 25, 2022

Our Ivermectin Journey


We are Walt (67) and Snookie (68) and we reside on a mountain in Arizona.  Neither one of us is a picture of health and the number of medicine bottles we have can attest to that.  Walt takes nineteen pills a day and Snookie takes three.  Actually, I should take three but I'm not really good at remembering and plain and simple I don't like to.

I'm sure many of you have heard of Ivermectin as it was talked about a lot during Covid.  Doctors would have lost their licenses if they had prescribed it.  That said, it was attainable through some online doctors.  Thankfully.

I first heard about 1.87% Ivermectin from our friend LaVon, and quite frankly, it intrigued both Walt and me.  I heard about a channel on that gave tons of info so we checked it out.  You can too by downloading Telegram from your app store (its free) and then putting Dirt Road Discussions in the search box.


Well, I might as well get this out of the way.  Ivermectin 1.87% is an equine paste de-wormer, Ivermectin in its purest form.  Ivermectin grows in the dirt as its a natural mold spore.  For those of you who had/have dogs, did they ever eat grass?  They were in need of Ivermectin.

Think about it, we're mammals.  Did you know that we share 85 to 90% of our DNA with horses and dogs?  That came as a surprise to us too.  Mammals are born with parasites.  They were passed down to us from our parents who got them from their parents and it goes on and on through the generations.  Pet owners de-worm their dogs, ranchers/farmers de-worm their horses.  Nobody de-wormed us!

Parasites cause our illnesses and aches and pains.  It's time to get rid of them!  Follow along on our journey.

A couple of weeks ago we went to spend some time in Oklahoma to see our friend LaVon.  (Readers of my other blog, will certainly remember that name.)  She had started this protocol back in February and was well on her way in a parasitic cleanse.  While there, she introduced us to Danny Lemoi of Dirt Road Discussions (Telegram).  We listened to the pod casts he does every Sunday and Wednesday evenings.  She started us off with the one where Danny explains how he came to taking the horse de-wormer.  Danny, had had a port is in heart for 4 years and 10 months, his kidneys and liver weren't working up to par, he had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, he had lesions on his brain and congestive heart failure.  He also took 120 pills a day!  Sixty in the morning and sixty at night, just to stay alive.  He was told by his doctors that there was nothing more they could do for him.  He had a visiting nurse come every week to clean out the port, change the bandage and monitor his blood tests.  This was our start.

Danny had a friend who told him about Ivermectin 1.87% and he brushed it off with, "I'm not taking any horse de-wormer!".  About two weeks later he decided, "Hell, I have nothing to lose!"  And he didn't.  So he got a tube from the local feed store and started his journey.  He took an eraser size dose once in the morning and once at night.  He also added lemon water because lemons (citrus) makes your body alkaline and an alkaline body is not a compatible home for parasites.  He was on this twice a day regiment for 5 months.  At that time the visiting nurse came and mentioned that his numbers on the latest blood work were good!  He weaned himself off his medications over the next weeks/months and today the port in his heart is gone, he takes NO medications and his heart regenerated itself.  His liver and kidneys are functioning the way they should. The body was made to heal itself.  Did you ever cut yourself?  It healed, right?  Did you ever break a bone?  That healed too didn't it?  God made our bodies to heal themselves.  He gave us everything we need to do that.  Needless to say Big Pharma doesn't like Ivermectin.

Today, Danny has 40,000 followers on his weekly podcasts and the number is growing by leaps and bounds.  Be forewarned, Danny talks like he's sitting around having a few beers with this buddies so don't be surprised what comes out of his mouth.  He's very down to earth.

While at LaVon's we went to a large feed store and we bought two boxes of Ivermectin horse de-wormer and a bottle of 1% Ivermectin liquid which can be ingested or applied topically.  We didn't start the protocol while there because we had doctor's appts. already in place where we knew we would have bloodwork done.  We wanted to know our beginning numbers.

After arriving home from a great visit, two days later we took off for the valley.  (that means we traveled to the Phoenix area).  We had doctor appointments set up for Tuesday.  Now we still didn't start the protocol because we wanted to be home when the herxing  began.

So what is herxing?  It is something everyone goes through.  Some more so than others.  

The Herxheimer response is a natural bodily process triggered by a greater prevalence of endotoxins. These substances are released when harmful micro-organisms (parasites) and bacteria are destroyed or die off. As damaging bacteria are destroyed, they release previously contained endotoxins into the bloodstream. This allows the toxins to be transported to the appropriate system and subsequently expelled from the body. However, rapid destruction of bacteria can cause an influx of endotoxins resulting in greater toxicity. When this occurs, the immune system responds by triggering an acute immune response resulting in inflammation that may be experienced throughout the body. This can cause worsening of current symptoms and the development of new symptoms.

The Herxheimer reaction is frequently seen during antibiotic treatments because antibiotics destroy numerous microorganisms and bacteria. Although the Herxheimer reaction is typically non-lethal, it does frequently cause temporary pain, discomfort, and worsening of symptoms. Symptom severity is often indicative of the level of inflammation triggered by the immune system.

Common symptoms that develop or worsen due to a Herxheimer response may include:

Bloating    Brain Fog    Chills    Cold Sweats    Constipation

Cramps    Diarrhea    Fatigue    Fever    Headaches

Irritability    Joint Pain    Lethargy    Muscle Pain    Nausea

Skin Irritation    Sore Throat

These symptoms are uncomfortable but they won't kill you.  Stay with the protocol.

Ivermectin has been recently touted to be the cure for 6,000 illnesses and diseases, including cancer.  It's been kept under wraps by Big Pharma as you can well imagine.  It even won the Nobel Peace Price in 2015.

You can take this twice daily dose no matter what drugs you are currently on.  Ivermectin paste is NOT a drug, it will not interfere with your meds.  Ivermectin cannot hurt you.

Walt and I have listened to many of the past podcasts to learn more and we are overjoyed to hear the testimonials from those who have been doing this for a couple to several months.  No more pill taking!  No more pain!  My eyesight has improved!  I can hear better!  I don't have tinnitus anymore!  My very withdrawn autistic son is now out playing with his four new friends!  I was wheelchair bound with MS and now I walk!  This list of ailments fixed or, at the very least, improved, grows longer every week as more and more start this protocol.

We have mixed the 1% Ivermectin with fractionated coconut oil and we spray it on 3 tumors that Boss, our American Bulldog, has.  Two of the three have gone down considerably in less than one week.  We haven't noticed a difference in the very large one as yet, but then we look at it every day so maybe it has started to go down and we're just not seeing it yet.  We also give him an eraser size dose mixed with the liquid and he licks that out of the palm.  We have apple flavor and he really seems to like it.  He gets that every other day.  

We start the protocol tomorrow!

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Our Ivermectin Journey

3/25/22   WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE'RE DOING We are Walt (67) and Snookie (68) and we reside on a mountain in Arizona.  Neither one of us i...